What is success to you? To some it is being rich or wealthy, have a good marriage, a happy and healthy family, being fit, being good at something, having a lot of friend, being well known, etc.

No one can tell someone else what success is for them. Everyone has to determine what success is for themselves. Unfortunately many people limit their success, they achieve success in only one or two areas of their lives. They do so because they live their lives believing in scarcity. Few people manage success in all areas of their lives. These people live their lives with the belief of abundance.

Anyone can be successful in all areas of their life. It all starts with education. I'm not talking about formal education, I am talking about life long education. Reading, watching positive videos, interacting with successfully people, finding mentors, etc. You must always reach up and expand, set lofty goals, and never stop pushing yourself.

"Success is more than a goal, it is a Lifestyle." - Robert Burdine

Successful In List